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MCM – Maturity & Capability Model Repository

A complicated and time-consuming phase in the development of Software Process Capability/Maturity Models (SPCMMs) is the identification of existing relevant source models as, currently, information on existing MCMs is provided in very different forms and levels of detail on diverse web sites, publications etc.

The MCM – Maturity & Capability Model Repository is a web-based repository to store and provide overview information on MCMs as a continuous knowledge management effort maintained within the Software Process Improvement (SPI) community.

The MCM – Maturity & Capability Model Repository offers

  • for Software Process Engineers: a centralized repository to search in a structured way for SPCMMs offering diverse filters (such as, application domain, process areas, maturity levels, etc.) and returning a general characterization of the model(s) and links to their complete documentation as a starting point for selecting relevant models in a SPI initative.
  • for SPI researchers: a centralized repository for searching for SPCMMs facilitating the identification, comparison and mapping of relevant models.
  • for creators of SPCMMs: a way to dissiminate informations on their models within the SPI community and to facilitate access to the models created.

Read more:

GRESSE VON WANGENHEIM, C.; HAUCK, J. C. R.; BUGLIONE, L.; MCCAFFERY, F.;  LACERDA, T. C.; VIERA DA CRUZ, R. F. Building a Maturity & Capability Model Repository. PROFES – 12th International Conference on Product Focused Software. Development and Process Improvement, Italy, 2011.

The MCM – Maturity & Capability Model Repository is being developed in cooperation with the Dundalk Institute of Technology/Irland, École de technologie supérieure/Université du Québec/Canada, Engineering.IT SpA/Italy.

This work is supported by the CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico – www.cnpq.br), an entity of the Brazilian government focused on scientific and technological development.

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