
Book chapter:

Gresse von Wangenheim, C., Alves, N. da C., Rauber, M. F. Martins, R. M., Hauck, J. C. (2023). Creating Mobile Applications with Artificial Intelligence Adopting Computational Action. In Education, Development and Intervention (pp. 149-165). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Gresse von Wangenheim, C., Alves, N. da C., Fortuna Ferreira, M. N., Hauck, J. C. (2023). Creating Mobile Applications with App Inventor Adopting Computational Action. In Teaching Coding in K-12 Schools: Research and Application (pp. 305-318). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Gresse von Wangenheim, C., Degering, L. P., Mioto, F., Martins-Pacheco L.H., Borgatto, A. F., Petri, G. (2021) bASES21: A Model for the Self-assessment of 21st-Century Skills in the Context of Computing Education in K-12. In: Lane H.C., Zvacek S., Uhomoibhi J. (eds) Computer Supported Education. CSEDU 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1473. Springer, Cham.

Petri, G.,  Gresse von Wangenheim C., Borgatto, A. F. (2021) Evolution of a Model for the Evaluation of Games for Software Engineering Education. In: Kendra M. L. Cooper (ed) Software Engineering Perspectives in Computer Game Development. Chapman and Hall/CRC.

Martins-Pacheco L.H., da Cruz Alves N., von Wangenheim C.G. (2020) Educational Practices in Computational Thinking: Assessment, Pedagogical Aspects, Limits, and Possibilities: A Systematic Mapping Study. In: Lane H.C., Zvacek S., Uhomoibhi J. (eds) Computer Supported Education. CSEDU 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1220. Springer, Cham.

Alves, N. d. C.,  Gresse von Wangenheim, C., Hauck, J. C. R., Borgatto, A. F. Automating the Assessment of Algorithms and Programming Concepts in App Inventor Projects in Middle School. Handbook of Research on Tools for Teaching Computational Thinking in P-12 Education, eds. M. Kalogiannakis and S. Papadakis, IGI Global, 2020,  75-101. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-4576-8.ch004

Gresse von Wangenheim, C.; von Wangenheim, A.; Pacheco, F. S.; Hauck, J. C. R.; Ferreira, M. N.; Dezan de Bona, D. Programe um robô Super-herói: ensinando computação física em oficinas de pais e filhos. In: Silva, R. B.; Blinkstein, P. Robótica e computação física na educação brasileira. Porto Alegre: Penso, 2020.

Gresse von Wangenheim, C.; Petri, G.; Borgatto, A. F. dETECT – Um modelo para a valiação de unidades instrucionais para o ensino de computação na Educação Básica. In: Martins, A. R. de Q.; Eloy, A. A. da S. Educação integral por meio do pensamento computacional. Curitiba: Appris, 2019.

Petri, G., Gresse von Wangenheim, C., Borgatto, A. F., Calderón, A., & Ruiz, M. Digital Games for Computing Education: What Are the Benefits?. In A. Krassmann, É. Amaral, F. Nunes, G. Voss, & M. Zunguze (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Immersive Digital Games in Educational Environments (pp. 35-62). Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2018.

G. Petri, C. Gresse von Wangenheim, A.F. Borgatto A.F. MEEGA+, Systematic Model to Evaluate Educational Games. In: Lee N. (eds) Encyclopedia of Computer Graphics and Games. Springer, 2018.

T. C. Lacerda, J.  V. Nunes, C. Gresse von Wangenheim. Usability Heuristics for Mobile Phone Applications: A Literature Review. In: Emerging Perspectives on the Design, Use, and Evaluation of Mobile and Handheld Devices (ed. J. Lumsden), IGI-Global, 2016.

C. Gresse von Wangenheim, A. von Wangenheim, T. Rateke. Raciocínio Baseado em Casos – 2. edição. Bookess, ISBN 9788580455977, December 2013. 368p.





C. Gresse von Wangenheim, A. von Wangenheim. Ensinando Computação com Jogos. Bookess, ISBN 9788580454628, December 2012. 121p.





C. Gresse von Wangenheim, A. von Wangenheim, J. I. Lino. Medição de Software – Guia Prático. Bookess, ISBN 9788580453362, January 2012. 265p.

GRESSE VON WANGENHEIM, Christiane, VON WANGENHEIM, Aldo. Raciocínio Baseado em Casos. Editora Manole, 2003, 300p.

GRESSE VON WANGENHEIM, Christiane. Operationalizing Reuse of Software Measurement Planning Knowledge. Infix Berlin: Infix Verlag, 2002. 270 p.

THIRY, M. , GRESSE VON WANGENHEIM, C., ROUILLER, A. C., Anais do SBQS – Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software, Florianópolis, 2008. ISBN 978-85-7669-180-8

WEBER, Rosina; GRESSE VON WANGENHEIM, Christiane. Proceedings of the Workshop Programs at the Fourth International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning 2001. Washington, DC: Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence – Naval Research Laboratory, 2001. v. 200. 255 p

Book Chapters

GRESSE VON WANGENHEIM, Christiane; BORTOLON, Andre; VON WANGENHEIM, Aldo. A Hybrid Approach for the Management of FAQ Documents in Latin Languages. In: AHA, David W.; WATSON, Ian. (Org.). Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development. Springer Berlin, 2001, v. 2080.

GRESSE VON WANGENHEIM, Christiane; LICHTNOW, Daniel; VON WANGENHEIM, Aldo. Supporting Knowledge Management in University Software R&D Groups. In: RUHE, Guenther; BOMARIUS, Frank. (Org.). Learning Software Organizations. Springer Berlin, 2001.

GRESSE VON WANGENHEIM, Christiane; RODRIGUES, Marcos Roberto. Case-Based Management of Software Engineering Experienceware. In: SILVA, Jose. (Org.). Springer Lecture Notes. Springer Berlin, 2000.

GRESSE VON WANGENHEIM, Christiane; ALTHOFF, Klaus-Dieter; BARCIA, Ricardo M. Goal-oriented and Similarity based Retrieval of Software Engineering Experiences. In: RUHE, G.; BOMARIUS, F. (Org.). Learning Software Organizations – Methodology and Applications. Springer Berlin, 2000.

GRESSE VON WANGENHEIM, Christiane. REMEX – A Case Based Approach for Reusing Software Measurement Experienceware. In: ALTHOFF, Klaus-Dieter; BERGMANN, Ralph; BRANTING, L. Karl. (Org.). Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development. Springer Berlin, 2000.

GRESSE VON WANGENHEIM, Christiane; HOISL, Barbara; ROMBACH, H. Dieter; RUHE, Günther. Zielorientiertes Messen und Bewerten zur Software-Qualitaetsverbesserung – Eine Kosten/Nutzen Analyse. In: HEINRICH, L. J.; HAENTSCHEL, I. (Org.). Evaluation und Evaluationsforschung in der Wirtschaftsinformatik. Oldenbourg Verlag, 2000.

ALTHOFF, Klaus-Dieter; BIRK, Andreas; GRESSE VON WANGENHEIM, Christiane; TAUTZ, Carsten. Case-Based Reasoning for Experimental Software Engineering. In: LENZ, Mario; BARTSCH-SPOERL, Brigitte; BURKHARD, Hans-dieter; WESS, Stefan. (Org.). Case-Based Reasoning Technology – From Foundations to Applications. Springer Berlin, 1998.

GRESSE VON WANGENHEIM, Christiane; HOISL, Barbara; ROMBACH, H. Dieter; RUHE, Günther. Analyse der Kosten und Nutzen von GQM-basiertem Messen und Bewerten: Eine replizierte Fallstudie. In: GRÜN, O.; HEINRICH, L. J. (Org.). Wirtschaftinformatik – Ergebnisse empirischer Forschung. Springer Berlin, 1997.

GRESSE, Christiane. Case-Based Configuration with JULIA. In: WESS, S. (Org.). SEKI – Working Paper SWP-92-09 on Case Based. Kaiserlautern, 1992.